Kendal's Blog

The First Intro Song a Conference Ever Created for Me

I was surprised, and honoured, when this group wrote a song about me.

What do you think about about the lyrics?


Now, to give you some inspiration coming from Sweetgrass First Nation
a perspective that’s Indigenous the resume that’s prestigious
He’s Kendall Netmaker
He’s a mover
He’s a shaker
He has a lifestyle brand called Neechie Gear
A portion of the profits going to spread good cheer
Came from poverty to podium
He’s a man who gets things done
A keynote speaker with Indigenous flair
an entrepreneurial beyond compare
He says be who you were born to be
Overcome adversity
Handle every obstacle and make yourself unstoppable
So everybody now let’s make some noise
for this keynote speaker you’re sure to enjoy
He’s a mover
He’s a shaker
Give it up for Kendal Netmaker



The lyrics “overcome adversity” stood out.

Overcoming adversity is a theme woven deep into my story.

When we encounter problems, what should we do?

Keep going.

Keep growing.

Keep moving forward.


hiy hiy





