Kendal's Blog

The Ultimate Success Formula

The Ultimate Success Formula was discovered after years of struggling. I got tired of not being able to find a way to be successful faster and I immersed myself in finding out how other successful people were doing it. After discovering the Ultimate Success Formula, my life changed. I went from being a broke university student, struggling to provide for my family, running a failing business and losing thousands of dollars – to completing two degrees, launching several other businesses, winning thousands in business competitions, earning over 25 business industry awards and ultimately creating a life that makes me excited to see each new day! There are three main components to the Ultimate Success Formula and I know that if you implement all three into your life, you will see massive results.

Community of Driven Individuals

You must be around a community of driven individuals who are all trying to get ahead. If you are around toxic and negative individuals, it is going to be very hard to attract the opportunities you want into your life. Here is an example: I recently had a friend who I went to high school with reach out to me on Facebook. He wanted to become successful in his life and wanted me to give him some advice. The first thing I did was check out this dude’s Facebook profile. Guess what he was doing? The exact same thing he was doing since we graduated high school; namely, he was partying with the same friends and wondering why his life was not where he expected it to be. If you want to be successful, you are going to have to limit the people you invite into your life, because they can make or break your future opportunities. You must decide and commit to only allowing driven individuals into your inner circle. I learned this the hard way. When I launched Neechie Gear, I wasn’t getting the support I expected from some of my friends and family and it inevitably forced me to limit my time with them and find other people to associate myself with. It was difficult for me because some of them were long-time friends or even family members. Soon after surrounding myself with the right people I started attracting opportunities that pulled me closer to my goals.

You see, when you have someone rooting for you and you are rooting for them right back, you start to feed off of each other’s energy; you end up helping each other to get ahead much faster than by being on your own. When you have someone who is jealous or negative around you, they can pull you down and keep you living a miserable life like theirs. After coaching dozens of driven individuals over the years, I knew it was time to build the Netmaker Academy and create that same kind of environment where a group of driven entrepreneurs and professionals could come together and support one another to win in life and business.

Access to Information

What goes into your mind becomes your outer world. It is extremely important to carefully monitor what goes into your mind. Everything starts in your mind. If you want to change the way things are in your world, you need to change your thinking; it starts with what goes into

our minds. I dis- covered this in 2014 when I immersed myself in audio pro- grams, books, online courses, documentaries and everything that could help me achieve the goals I had committed myself to. The past year I read over 60 books (and I probably could have read 100 if I wasn’t also writing this book). I only read content that I knew would help me achieve my goals faster. Knowledge is power and you can get it from books and from the people you choose to listen to. One of the greatest things you can do today is substitute what you listen to in your vehicle with audio programs that will teach you success strategies to help you in life and business. I started taking what I knew and turning it into video training sessions for people I wanted to help; I then uploaded the sessions to the Netmaker Academy for our members to view them.

One of the hardest things I had to do was substitute TV time with documentaries or video trainings that were going to benefit my future. It’s very difficult to try to get ahead if you are in the middle of Netflix marathons or playing video games for hours each day. If you want it bad enough, you will sacrifice these kinds of things in order to obtain the knowledge needed to achieve your goals.

People who are successful strive to find the right information to help them reach their goals and apply the knowledge they have earned toward their success journey.


You cannot achieve your goals without help. Anyone who thinks they can is probably nuts. The biggest secret successful people have is that they have a coach/mentor who helps them achieve their goals faster than other people. In my early years, I had many positive role models who I looked up to – including Johann’s father, sports coaches, teachers and family members. A year into my business, I found my first business mentor, Denis Prud’homme, who would be instrumental in holding me accountable and teaching me to do the same for myself. When I said I was going to do something, Denis made sure I did it. Paul Martin would also become another instrumental mentor to me. He would ask me to sit in on TEC Canada mastermind sessions (a program that aims to accelerate the growth and development of Canadian business leaders) with presentations from the top seminar leaders in the world. He would make time for me to grow as an entrepreneur with advice and mentoring along the way. When I wanted to learn and grow in the clothing industry, I paid for consulting from the best in the business, meeting with Daymond John, the founder of FUBU and one of the stars of ABC’s Shark Tank. I started to see the value of mentorship and continued to invest in myself. I continually invest in advanced coaching each year. In speaking I have been coached by Chris Widener. Chris was mentored by Jim Rohn (regarded as one of the most influential thinkers of our time who helped motivate and shape an entire generation of personal-development trainers and hundreds of executives from America’s top corporations) for seven years, hosted a show with Zig Ziglar (one of the world’s most popular and motivational speakers) and is widely known as one of the top leadership speakers and authors on the globe. I have been coached by Jane Atkinson who is one of the top keynote speaker coaches in the world. I could go on and on. That’s the power of getting coaching from top people you can find in your network. If you invest in the best there is a high chance you too will become like the best.

Community of Driven Individuals + Access to Information + Mentorship = ULTIMATE SUCCESS FORMULA



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